Friday, August 2, 2013

SBM 24: Traveling to Beer Bloggers' Conference

Let's be honest here, folks.  When the Starbucks line at SeaTac airport wraps around half of the N Concourse, the last thing one wants at 7am in the morning is a beer.  Wait, on second thought, maybe it should have been the first thing I reached for.  Not knowing if I was going to get on the 9am flight or the 10:30pm one, I loaded up on the caffeine needed to camp out in a carpeted corner among bitter travelers.  Equipped with a five shot Americano, my fully charged GearPower, and plenty of backlogged blogging to accomplish, I settled in for the long haul.  Turns out, when you have plenty of patience, waiting at an airport all day isn't that bad.  With days upon days of drinking beer ahead of me, I knew that I could catch up on this day's lack of barley brew in no time.

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